Your Spirit, Like A Wind

(Today I read Matthew 5:13-48)

Holy, matchless Father…  You are so good, so right, so full of honor and integrity.  You are great to contemplate and wonderful in all Your ways.  You are light in darkness, hope in despair and reason in confusion.  You are just what I want and need right now and it is pure glory to be in communion with you.

I give You praise for the diversity and imaginative wonder that you’ve put into place by Your word.  The absolute creative and innovative and intellectual force of your words draws me to You.  Your love beyond reason holds me close to You.  You are worthy of so much more praise and honor than we ever manage to muster.  Help me now to praise You more!  Help me now to honor You more!  Lead me now to stronger faith, stronger belief, stronger response to Your majesty.  Aid me in accomplishing right things through the faithfulness of Your Holy Spirit.

As I hear the wind begin to kick up, and this building begins to respond with creaking bones, I’m reminded of the wildly wonderful ways of Your Spirit, like a wind.  What an exciting and strange thing to my senses; Your ways are always amazing, often beyond what I expected, and always just what I needed.  Let the winds of Your Spirit truly rush this community, waking sleeping bones and calling Your people to worship and to action.  Move us now!  Here my heart’s deep crying…  awake my soul and sing!  My mind is dancing with a song – and it is calling me to be awake and live into Your glory.  Let it be so for us all…  awaken us and put a new song on our lips!  Move mightily into the hearts of the hungering and thirsting all around.  May Your people, by grace, go above and beyond every measure to bring life and hope and mercy to our dying community…  all in Your powerful Name, Lord Jesus!!!  Bring it on!  Shape us!  Move us now!

I hope that the worship and adoration of my heart is an aroma pleasing to You this morning!  Fill this place with Your glory!  Move me in the precious flow of Your Spirit.  Put these creaking bones of mine to work in praise, in love, in duty.  All for Your sake, Father….  Let Your glory rise.  Let it rise!  Let it be the theme of my life.  Let it me the breath of this day.  Let it be the beat of my heart.  Let it be the rhythm of my step.  Let it be the vision of my eyes.  Let it be the song in my ears.  Let it be the power in my hands.  Let it rise today, Father!  You are so good!

Father, reach out in the same way to *, *, * and * even now.  Thanks, my gracious friend!

Thank You God for saving me.

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