Monthly Archives: January 2013

Let The Wind Blow

(Today I read Matthew 6.)

My Father, I seek You.  I cry out, I patiently wait.  Thanks for your reassurances and for the certainty of Your Word.  Bless Your Name, God who does not forsake or abandon.

Once again the bitter winter winds are blowing at gale force, and my brain is having trouble engaging.  I seek You in moments like these when my spirit is willing, but my flesh is week!  I’ve been contemplating how this prayer business is not the beautiful, fluid piece of art it could be idealized as…  more often than not it’s raw and untamed.  It blows in many different directions with the winds of Your Spirit.  It can even seem a bit unkempt and perplexing.  But with force, You awaken me from my slumber and call me to come be with You.  I sense more and more that You enjoin me to share with you the anguish for our people, our communities.  May these stray thoughts and disconnected ramblings gain focus that will be a part of changing this community in Your Name.  May Your light arise, may Your hope be instilled, let this be the day!

This work we do here together, may it bring light and life, may it bring help, hope and healing to our people.  I agree with You even now as we are pressing hard for the sake of their lives.  This is life and death work; this is Navy Seal training; this is spiritual Green Beret work.  Take us through the hard course and make us ready.  May we not hold back even in these moments now for fear of not being ready, but instead, trusting in You, press us onward!

Lord, give our people a godly, long-term view of this work.  Vision!!!  That’s what I pray would increase.  Grow a vibrant, earth-shaking vision in us; let the dreams proceed!  As we call on You, as You pour yourself out on us, let there be godly, life-changing, life-giving vision.  Let it be so in young and old alike.  May we embrace it and not try to “get a handle on it”.  I seek Your holy vision for our people!  Bring it on, Mighty God!  I have high expectations – but even they cannot come close to meeting the limitless nature of your unbounded ability to give good things.  Let this wind blow.  Keep us from fear of the wind, but rather, teach us to flow with Your Spirit.  Guard us from trying to define it, quantize it, legislate it, or even teach it as rote format.  How do we embrace the wind?!?!  Nevertheless, we embrace YOU.

And now I pray for the mighty moving of Your Spirit on Your people; our out-cry meeting Your outpouring.  May it not be as any of us, including me, would define it but rather, as YOU would move, as YOU would empower, as YOU would rearrange!  You do Your work so well!  Who am I, or who are any of us to impede it?  Blow, mighty wind of the Spirit!  Blow into the lives of Your people.  Mess up our hair; change our sense of what is right to match Yours.  Blow away our notes and formats and teach us to press into the JESUS way of doing things.  Give us godly vision and insight and hone our wisdom and build our endurance.  Right things…  YOUR things…  may they be many, may we flow with Your Spirit, may we learn to embrace the wind and set it free in our community.  Oh God, what are we waiting for?  Today…  what a remarkable day for renewal and restoration.  Restore, renew our dreams; restore and renew our people in Your Name for Your Name’s sake! YES!

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A Special Prayer for the One Who Is Broken And Battered

Great and merciful Father, look into our hearts and sing Your song of glory!  Great and mighty King, thank You that You are always nearby and unfailing in love.

Today I sense that there is one who is remarkably broken and tragically battered by the evil one, and if I am the only one in the world to have the privilege to lift them in prayer, I give you thanks for the honor.  Thank you for my friend who prays with me now even thought I may not know their face or name.

Wash over this precious one now with the gentle rain of Your Holy Spirit.  Bring calmness, bring peace, bring the first flickering lights of hope and joy.  No matter what they are doing, no matter they are saying to others, no matter what the struggle or question or conflict, You love them fiercely.  The evil they’ve encountered is no match for Your love.  It’s not even close.  Your grace and mercy and love is so extraordinary, so beyond even our greatest expectation, no force of evil stands a chance.  Flood my friend now with this knowledge!  Let the brokenness and the battered spirit leave quickly to be instantly replaced by a sense of value and worth and togetherness in You.  Speak Your healing words into their heart.

Father, where there is a tormentor in human flesh, I pray not for their destruction but rather I pray that they come to completeness in You as well.  I don’t pray for protection from one who would just move on to vex someone else; I pray that You would change them for the better and make them a blessing into every life they touch!  That solves the problem once and for all!  May it be so in Your Name, my precious Jesus.

Heal now.  Bring the understanding of Your forgiveness and Your great sacrifice on the cross.  May the gift of Your death, and the power of Your resurrection visit my friend (and, if it applies, their tormentor) in a glorious and life transforming way right this very moment.  In Your Name, Your powerful Name, Name above all names, I pray…   Jesus!  Jesus!  Jesus, we come to You.  Be with us now.  Amen.

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Your Spirit, Like A Wind

(Today I read Matthew 5:13-48)

Holy, matchless Father…  You are so good, so right, so full of honor and integrity.  You are great to contemplate and wonderful in all Your ways.  You are light in darkness, hope in despair and reason in confusion.  You are just what I want and need right now and it is pure glory to be in communion with you.

I give You praise for the diversity and imaginative wonder that you’ve put into place by Your word.  The absolute creative and innovative and intellectual force of your words draws me to You.  Your love beyond reason holds me close to You.  You are worthy of so much more praise and honor than we ever manage to muster.  Help me now to praise You more!  Help me now to honor You more!  Lead me now to stronger faith, stronger belief, stronger response to Your majesty.  Aid me in accomplishing right things through the faithfulness of Your Holy Spirit.

As I hear the wind begin to kick up, and this building begins to respond with creaking bones, I’m reminded of the wildly wonderful ways of Your Spirit, like a wind.  What an exciting and strange thing to my senses; Your ways are always amazing, often beyond what I expected, and always just what I needed.  Let the winds of Your Spirit truly rush this community, waking sleeping bones and calling Your people to worship and to action.  Move us now!  Here my heart’s deep crying…  awake my soul and sing!  My mind is dancing with a song – and it is calling me to be awake and live into Your glory.  Let it be so for us all…  awaken us and put a new song on our lips!  Move mightily into the hearts of the hungering and thirsting all around.  May Your people, by grace, go above and beyond every measure to bring life and hope and mercy to our dying community…  all in Your powerful Name, Lord Jesus!!!  Bring it on!  Shape us!  Move us now!

I hope that the worship and adoration of my heart is an aroma pleasing to You this morning!  Fill this place with Your glory!  Move me in the precious flow of Your Spirit.  Put these creaking bones of mine to work in praise, in love, in duty.  All for Your sake, Father….  Let Your glory rise.  Let it rise!  Let it be the theme of my life.  Let it me the breath of this day.  Let it be the beat of my heart.  Let it be the rhythm of my step.  Let it be the vision of my eyes.  Let it be the song in my ears.  Let it be the power in my hands.  Let it rise today, Father!  You are so good!

Father, reach out in the same way to *, *, * and * even now.  Thanks, my gracious friend!

Thank You God for saving me.

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Birthing New Vision

(Today I read Matthew 4.)

Father, I have heard Your call and here I am.  Out of the depths of the mattress and pillow I come!  I love Your voice – it calls to me in my sleep and says, “Come pray.”  It’s so good to be wanted, to have this right place, doing right things, experiencing right transformation of me and the day.  Praise to You, Father.

I will be glad for the coming of the days when the sun rises as I pray.  In the meantime, thank you for training my heart to find my way through this winter darkness.  Ready me now to take Your light to the world around me.  May it shine into the darkest corner of the county!  Let it shine, let Your glory rise.

Outside of You, I am lost.  You’ve taken a man of weakness and given me great strength.  You have taken a heart given to depression and sorrow and given me life and joy.  Abundant.  Overwhelming.  You have taken a bitter man and made an encourager.  You have taken a selfish man and taught generosity.  You have taken a self-focused, self-indulgent spirit and renewed it to its original purpose in You.  Father, I still today feel so week and worthy at this prayer journey.  But You are my Lord, my Savior.  My friend.  You have given me a place here and I have seen it make monumental differences.

So I give glory to You.  I lift Your Name.  What an awesome God.  What a great privilege to live in communion with You.  What a joy to ehar Your voice.  What an honor to be honed by Your wisdom and taught by Your easy yoke.  What a journey with You.  What freedom, what life you bring.  What peace to my soul and light to my path.  All praise to You.

Thank You, Father, that You have shown me a holy vision this morning.  Give me the fortitude to live to the full of what You have shown me.  My eyes have heard!  (That makes sense to You and I, so that’s good enough for me!)  Inspire me now.  Teach me.  Raise me up.  Bring new wisdom – where shall I find it?  I am ready.  Give me fresh endurance, patience, kindness, mercy, skill, anointing.  You have made me a man on a journey, so in Your Name, and by Your Spirit, I travel on.


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Things That Create Aromas

(Today I read Ecclesiastics 4 and Matthew 3.  Missed a day due to a scrappy battle with a cold.  I won.  I’m back.)

Savior, thank You for Your Word.  Thank You for all the things that remind me of You.

Thank You for alleviating the struggles of this head cold.  You are merciful and mighty, worthy of honor and praise.  Now, as I still am fighting to overcome this “foggy-headedness”(!), help me to regain my focus.  Aid me so that I may speak to You coherently, listen attentively, and worship with complete abandon.  May this morning prayer time be an aroma pleasing to You.

Lord, how many times have I sat in the dump and then proceeded to wonder why You gave me so much garbage?!?!  How many times have I focused on the ground and wondered why I couldn’t see the sky?  How many times have I let my MP3 player batteries go dead and then wondered why there was no music?  Perhaps these things are the fault of somebody else?  The tsunami effect from earth-shakingly bad teaching? Did my up-bringing pound me down?  Are my clothes made of all the words ever said about me?  Am I defined by the gracelessness of others?  Am I dependent and without  means, fragile without hope, unsteady without the ability to to achieve balance?

I am Yours.  You are mine.  Help me to live in that more.  Thank You that You don’t give me a standard to live up to, then standing back and barking orders.  Instead, You mercifully give me glory I don’t deserve and You daily lift me to it.  You are just what I need!

May Your love be abundant in me today.  May Your grace and mercy be made complete in me.  May I reflect Your glory.  May I not walk in pretense but in the truth and light of who You are.  May You alone be my quantifier and qualifier.  I rest in You.  I rise up in You.  Thank You for helping me to be gentle, kind, loving, full of grace, and rock steady in Your Word today.  It’s only by Your grace!

What peace You give.

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Jesus And Coffee (And A Prayer For Healing)

(Today I read Ecclesiastics 3 and Matthew 1-2.  The title today, perhaps a bit irreverent, reflects a line of thinking that happened my way during today’s pray – one you’ll see reflected here.  Most of my prayer time is spent just like any every-day conversation you might have with a friend.)

Father, what a privilege to spend this time with you, these intimate moments this morning.  You are the fulfillment and the fulfiller.  The promise kept and the promise made.  My heart adores You and cries out for strength to grow in faith and wisdom today.

Father, just like drinking great, freshly roasted, prime coffee reveals the flaws in lesser coffees, You are a revelation that shows me the weakness in all other ways of life.  You are a taste of life full of depth and varying flavor notes.  Your presence is a sweet, wonderful fragrance.  You awaken my mind and stimulate my body to action.  You are God alone and need no additions.  You are ready for me every morning, and any effort I make to be here with You becomes a pleasure once I taste and see You are good.  You reveal that all other “gods” are bitter, rancid, dead, poorly flavored.  No one but You can truly satisfy.  You are truth, and I honor You, my Lord and Savior.

I pray for strength and healing from this cold I’m saddled with at present.  I release it and know only Your wellness.  I pray for my friend, in the hospital, and his wife, who is by his side.  Give them both wellness and strength and let Your Name be glorified in them.  Let it be so by Your powerful word.

I pray now for anyone who happens to be reading this prayer journal that You would be known to them plainly and in truth.  In the strong Name of Jesus, I pray for divine guidance that leads to spiritual wellness.  I pray that they will know You and believe You as Lord of their life.  Send a meaningful, wise counselor to them to encourage and instruct.  I pray next for their physical well being.  Father, giver of good gifts, I cry out in the Name of Jesus that my friend here will accept Your healing and be well today.  I sense, by the direction of Your Spirit, that I may pray with authority on these matters.  I say to my reader, “Be well in the Name of Jesus.  Believe in Him and confess Him with Your mouth.”  Praise and all glory to You, Father, for Your goodness, kindness and healing.  Amen and amen.  I pray this in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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The Day of Uprising

(Today I read Joel 2:18-3.  Wow, was it ever cold walking to the church!)

Thank You for the gladness!  My heart flows full of joy in You.  You, my Lord, have done great things, You are doing great things, and Your promises are sure things.  Pour out Your Spirit now.  Let it roar.  Let Your Spirit fill every crack and crevice of these valleys and hills.  May we not be deprived of our birth-rite in You, instead may we receive it to the max.  We need You, I need You.  Come, precious Father, I call on Your name – the most holy Name of Jesus.  By Your Spirit change this land.  May we be the survivors.

Call Your people to arms; but not against nations, against the enemy – the evil one who seeks to do harm.  Fortify Your troups.  Send Your marching orders.  Ready the battle plan and fix it in our hearts.  We do not war against man, but against satan who has deceived the hearts of men.  Inspire us, rouse us, call us to attention.  The enemy has claimed far too much and far too many.  May this be the day of uprising.  there is sedition in the land, but it is against the strongholds of evil and darkness.  Let Your glory rise.  Let it light the fire.  Come, Holy Spirit, move us to action!  Equip us, teach us, council us, lead us.  May it be so in Your Name.

Be at home here with Your people. May this be a welcoming place for You.  May You find our hearts hospitable and our words, welcoming.  What a joy it is to serve you.  I hear Your victory cry.  Teach me more what it means to embrace Your truth.  Raise me up on eagle wings.  Let there be peace in hearts, but no contentment here for the evil one.  May Your glory rise and break away the darkness.  All glory to You, my Lord and Savior.  You are the only God.  Mighty, righteous, sincere, hope-giving, ENOUGH!  you are complete, everlasting and good in all things.  You are my Lord – I stake my life-claim in You.  I declare Your Name and my allegiance is to You alone.

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The Glory-Rouser (Difficult Times, Faithful God)

(Today I read Galatians 6 and Joel 1-2:17)

In Your mercy and kindness, I come…  tearing my heart over the struggle and turmoil that boils up all around.  We all struggle with flesh and the gnawing, devouring gods of the earth that feed on whatever meets their path.  Oh Heavenly Father, have mercy on us!  Give renewed strength to Your believers.  Fortify the faith of Your followers!  Renew us toward each other, and give us wisdom to see past the wiles of the enemy.  let us rise with the coming wave of Your Spirit and ride with Your troops as victory spreads!  may there be peace among believers and salvation to all who live in our community.  Let their be an outbreak of good will and a thick layer of fresh, godly love falling on this land.

Protect our minds!  Cleanse our thoughts.  Purify our motives.  Sanctify our assessments of each other.  May the leaders rise up and lead in this restored mindset, and may each one we touch rise up with hope and promise.

Activate us in Your Name, Jesus.  Let their be no fear that can overtake us.  Let Your word loose – let it be rich on the lips of those who even moderately love You.  Rise up.  Rise up my King!  Take what is Yours and send the devil packing.

Let my ways be stitched together with kindness.  Give me the ability and clarity to use the wisdom I’ve gained.  Build me for patient endurance.  Inspire me to promote what is holy and right while living in the ethic of Your grace and mercy towards all.  Build healthy, godly relationships.  Inspire life-giving conversations.  Lead us to a new generosity of all we are, all You have given us.  Make us rife with joy.  May Your beauty be reflected in our ways.  Protect us from our own hurtful need to engage our mouths and blabber worthless, harmful things t each other.  Make us mighty men and women of stature and character, not weak, sniveling, parasitic pawns of the enemy.

Only You, my Lord!  Only You are enough.  Your beauty rises above the mountains and flows beyond the oceans.  Your goodness and kindness is the stuff lives are made of.  Your unfailing mercies have built Your people through the ages.  You are everlasting God – strong and able.  You are the starter and the finisher, the fuel and the fire.  Your Word, the very breath that passes Your lips, changes the course of planets and creates beauty as well as desolation.  Your mind is brilliant beyond compare, Your ways are genius.  Your artistic flare has no rival.  You are great enough to hold the entirely of time and space in Your hands, yet infinitely willing to be intimately involved in the lives of we who are small and frail.  You invest in Your people – we must be of value to You!  May we live like it.  Help us to live in Your grace and mercies day by day by day.  Let this one be a glory-rouser.  Kick us into high gear for Your glory and the salvation of this land.  Praise to You!  Let Your glory rise.

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The Sustainer

(Today I read Galatians 4:21-5.)

I want the full of You today, Father!  I hunger deeply for You.  My soul is dry and parched without You.  Fill me now with that living water that brings life to dry bones.

These days of turmoil, running to and fro, and saying goodbye to my dad have been tiring.  Yet they have been transformational.  Deliver me from exhaustion and help me to learn and grown and live in what you’ve shown me.  You are mighty God!  Everlasting Father!  God Most High, capable of all that is good and right.  Praise to You.  My spirit cries out to You in Your greatness.  You are worthy of so much more than we can ever give to You.

You are the sustainer!

You are:  able, maker, artist, visionary, faithful, merciful, grace-full, vibrant, willing, close-by, helpful, healer, restorer, Father, friend, fulfiller.

You hold all things together.  Your ways are mighty and great.  Glory to Your Name.

Holy One, my spirit is thrilled by this communion with You.  In sorrow, i am able to dance with joy – to laugh, to sing, to be sustained.  Death has no victory, it has no sting.  You bring hope that is much more than salve to a wound.  It is utterly and completely transformational.  And You are so willing and ready to do so.  Praise and honor to You, most gracious King.  Praise and honor to You, Father, Dad, friend, companion, life-breath.

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Rising to the Occassion

(This entry from Thursday, Jan. 17.  On this day, I read Galatians 4:1-20.)

Good morning, Father!  I want only You.  Only Your goodness.  Only Your righteousness.  Only Your freedom.  Only Your salvation.  Mark me with Your Name, build my reputation on Your character.

Than You for the encouraging words my dad left me.  Thank You for the encouragement of the pastors who were important parts of my formation.  Thank You for the beauty of the love of Your people – and even those who show Your love unknowingly.

Focus me now on the important things at hand.  Help me to be alert, active, diligent, intentional, and successful at all I do.  May it be so in Your Name!  Steady my restlessness, ease my agitation.  May Your fresh mercies be used to full advantage in me today.  May it give glory to Your Name and build the lives of others who are searching for your ways.  Thank You, Father.  Let Your glory rise!

Season my words with hope, praise, anticipation and promise.  May this unruly man be known as Your own.  Your beloved.  Take these weaknesses and frailties and may glory spring out of them.  And none to my glory – but all for Yours.  Glory to You, my Father!  All praise to You, my savior.  This day is for You, about You, my friend.  In Your Name and by Your Spirit, may I rise to the occasion.

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