Monthly Archives: August 2013

A Prayer for the One Unsure of How to Pray Over Something Today

(If this moment finds you without words, deep in despair or feeling distant or even blocked from God, I offer this prayer as a blessing for you, prayed with you. It is simply derived from Colossians 3:12-15. I believe God’s Spirit wanted me to use these words to help you pray today.)

God of wonders, God over all, creator of the universe and lover of my soul…

Since You chose to love me, to set me apart for Your good purposes, I pray that those good purposes would come to fruition in me. I submit myself to Your better ways.

Assist me and empower me to clothes myself with tenderhearted mercy. Let kindness rule my actions and thoughts. Settle humility deep into my bones. Blanket me in gentleness. Guide me to be patient.

It’s so easy to see all the things everyone else is doing wrong. Especially the things they do to me, my family, and my friends. Counsel me so that I can learn to make allowances for the faults of others – seeing plainly that You love them just as You love me. Make forgiveness my nature no matter how deep the wound.

Provide for me clothing of love so that I may wrap myself in them. Change my disposition so that I can get along with others. Make me a force for peace and harmony.

Rule my heart with peace. Teach me the art of deep, holy breaths and quiet, holy pauses.

It’s hard at times to fathom that I can be part of the same community as people who are hurtful, until I realize that I have been hurtful to others as well. This has to stop somewhere. Peace must start with someone. May it start in me.

I want to be more thankful to You everyday. I take these moments to thank You for all the blessings I have, all the securities I have even as things seem to spin violently around me and in me at times. Thank You for Your patience with me. Thank You that even though I am insignificant to this universe, I am loved by You, creator of all things. I have purpose in You. May my thanks begin a new flow of hope in me today.

Jesus, I pray this in Your Name, let it be so.

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Getting Out of Prison

(Today I read Jeremiah 29.)

When sorrow and confusion and dread try to lock themselves into my mind, You are the release.

Father God, Lord of all, creator, master artist, Savior and friend… You are the release.

When I hold too tightly to the very thing that is messing up the moment, You are the release.

When I struggle for words and thrash about for ideas, You are the release.

You relieve me of my allegiance to myself – the despicable despot I am – and Your release frees me to finally know truth, love, hope, justice and rightness.

Father, I’m overwhelmed this morning by Your kindness and goodness and gentleness and patiences. I strikes me that when Your Word calls us to those things, they are calling us to You.

I think I’m starting to understand a small bit more about the release of so many believers, in Your recorded Word on throughout our history, from jails and prison.C_Prison_Bars(1) Some releases have come through actual release, some have come in the Spirit. Now I don’t want to go to those dark places to find myself, but I do want to thank You this morning that every time I’m able to identify bondage, You have set me free. Sometimes more quickly than others, but always for the better.

And so I pray these praises to You as reminders to me, as important post-it-notes for my mind, so that these present struggles and chains will hold no power over me. As I awaken to a new chain, I will sing, I will praise You, I will trust.

Let me pray the words You just reminded me of from Jeremiah 29.

Thank You that You know the plans You have for me, and that they are for good, not disaster. Thank You that I have a future and a hope. I know that when I pray, You listen. As I open my whole heart to You, in sincerity, with earnestness, I find You. When it all comes together in Your plan, my captivity ceases and Your richest blessings abound. (I think here about the day that I leave this life and I’m reunited with so many people I long to see again – and especially seeing You face to face.) My fortunes will truly be restored… the things that are most valuable to me cannot be taken by anything of this earth. You will bring me home. I have a place and that place is in You. I rest in that, I rise in that, I dream in that, I act in that.

Thank You for these reminders today, Father. I needed them. My Jesus, I love You!

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My Pledge of Allegiance (Joy)

(Today I read Jeremiah 28.)

To my ever present Father – in Heaven and here on our dust speck in this massive universe – I sing with joy to You, my Lord! I pledge my allegiance to You – what ever I possess here in this moment is Yours. Your ways are so much better than mine.

I give You my full attention here in these morning moments. Instruct me, council me, record Your word on my bones.

I freely release my shortcomings and downfalls to You. Teach me from them, but allow them no hold over me.

I give You thanks for the food I’ll eat today. Make me wise about what I consume, and make me strong from its use in me.

I give You my time. Not just a sketched out segment – this whole day is Yours. May even the mundane be full of Your glory. May this day be spent well.

I give You my relationships. May I see You when I see every person I encounter. May I know Your presence and be a grace filled compliment to Your love and desire for even the person who is hardest for me to abide.

I give You my stuff. My money. My car. My home. I know it’s Yours anyway, but I remind myself in this release that I am blessed beyond measure. What seems like a humble living to me seems like luxurious living to those who have little – You reminded me of this yesterday. May I not take one thing for granted, and may I dare not hoard or act in greed or pride.

I open my mind to You. I am not confined to a teaching! I know a person – the Master Teacher – Your Word itself is living. I will not conform my mind to the teachings of this world, but allow all good understanding access to my noggin!

Prepare me to teach well. Excite me (I can lean towards the placid or reserved at times) so that the joy I feel within escapes and makes itself known over all of me. May I not keep it as a serendipitous mystery wrapped in the riddle of enigmatic me! That’s just too confusing. Let it shine! Let Your glory shine in me, on me, around me!

Let these words of blessing for my day also be my words of blessing to others. May I live well, may I die well when that day comes. May Your face, Your beautiful life-affirming smile shine on me, through me, and to others. May I glory only in You, and may that glory rise in me. Keep me in Your Spirit.

Glory to You – joy to the world! Again, joy to the world! Let this day receive You, our King. I pray these things in Your Name, Jesus. Let it be so.

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Taking Off My Clothes To Pray

(Today I read Jeremiah 27. And then I helped myself to Colossians 3.  If you find the title of this entry a bit troublesome, Colossians 3 will help you understand it.)

Father, strip away all the old, ragged, detestable clothes that I still pull out of my inner closet from time to time. Fit me with the yoke that speaks Your truth. Begin in the deepest of deep within me. Change me.

I long to walk in Your holiness. Your place is my home, and that’s where I belong. Your people are my people. The diseases that kill them are my concern. The hopelessness that envelopes many of them is the call to my heart. The depression, anxiety, bitterness, critical nature, and all the spirits that push us down or bring us into conflict are defining lines to the road I must walk so that healing may come. Father, this is not an easy mission or vision to step into, but then that’s why You provide Your Holy Spirit, right? Pour Yourself on me now. I’m thirsty, I’m willing, I’m open. Let nothing crowd the way of Your full possession of me so that I may serve You well today.

Not to me, but to You, Jesus.

Wow. There’s nothing that builds a sense of direction and worth and mission and purpose like this submission to You. I truly find myself when I’m lost in You. I find my center, my balance, my footing. Thanks, Father. This is what glorifying You surely is about… finding who You are so that I can discover whose I am. My name. My occupation. My residence. My substinance. My vision, my song. My words, my contemplation. What glory truly arises when my senses awaken to You, my Lord.

The old song, “Fill me now” is boiling up inside me. I meets with the new song, “Lay Me Down” as I bring myself to You for life itself. I lay down my dead life and receive Your new, fully awakened life. Hallelujah, what a Savior! Good stuff, it is.

This morning I awakened with the prompting that I needed to bring some issues in regards to our ministry community to You. I pray for leadership that leads, people with passion and events that meld into lifestyle. I pray for renewal, revival, resurgence. I pray for momentum and grace. I pray for vision and action. Dreamers, doers. Help me to lead well, stay focused, and to be full of Your Spirit. That’s why I pray this way… I cannot waste one day without the full of You, and the hope of surrender. Fill me now, fill us now (to the extent I can pray that prayer for my people).

Let Your glory rise! Yes! Yes! Yes! Let it rise in me today. All for You, Jesus… more than nice prayer words, this is my heartcry, my lifesong. I pray this in Your Name, precious Jesus, Lord and Savior. You hold all things together. Hold me together today!

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Unhidden (Finding My God Given Path to Service)

(Today I read Jeremiah 26.)

Good morning Father! I hope that these words of prayer will be an aroma pleasing to You.

I must get right to it. What is there still in me that holds the seeds of my destruction? What weed-garden have I tended? What area of pridefulness or self-adulation is there that is weighing against my surrender to You? What threatens to spoil if I fail to give it care? What cancer might arise if my spiritual health wanes? I see these things so easily in others, but I can become so content with just what I am now. Holy Spirit, do Your great revelation work in me… counsel me, instruct me, proclaim it and point it out so that it may be dealt with. Father, I pray this not because I’m beating myself up this morning with doubt in my salvation. Rather, I’m pained by how clearly I see the cautionary tales at play in my brothers. I see where they are playing with fire or at least where pride has blinded them. I want to stand with You, and I want nothing to hinder me in doing so! I want to say, “Lord, Lord” and make it the true confession of my heart, not just a display case for the public to see.

In making certain that I have confronted all my inner uglies and call them out, I want to also seek what is beautiful and good and nurture it. I want to plant that tree by the water! I have long been concerned about my own desire to serve the least and the lowest among us. I have seen such vibrant, wonderful ministry to the suffering and the set-aside, and yet I have only grasped at such things. That is, until You showed me what was at work within me by Your Spirit. I had taken for granted the great love and connective ability You’ve given me for children. Even though I may not have a primary ministry focused on children, my primary ministry work includes children in its focus! You have given me a heart for the young, and they see me with such pure eyes. I can’t put on a show and win them over… they know if someone cares or not. And yet, they’re still innocent (to different degrees) and fragile (and yet able to rough-and-tumble there way through things). You’ve revealed to me afresh how You have used me, are using me, and intend to use me to reach an important segment of those in need in society. I am to pour myself out to the children.

It’s interesting to note that over my years now walking this path of pastoral ministry, some of the most impactful work I’ve done has been with children. Help me to never take that for granted. Give me fresh thinking in this area. Give me a new heart for these who might be missed in the big picture of what we are doing in Your Name in Woodsfield. Keep my focus on You, and may I SEE what You are doing in me so that I may allow You to nurture it all the more.

For my friends who come along to pray with me in this wonderful adventure, I pray that You help them to rediscover what You’ve already built in them! The voices telling us what we ought to do and who we ought to serve are mind-numbing. May we serve You alone, and learn to see You in those we meet along the way. Refine us to serve. This prayer is not for something new to be born in us, but rather, make plain to us what You are already building in us so that we may serve You with better focus and clearer intentionality. May our “Lord, Lord” not ever be content to exist only in the things we do in Your Name. May You be Lord of our deepest reaches. I pledge allegiance to You, my Savior, my Lord. I commit all to you. My time, my resources, every second, every penny.

All to You, Jesus. Let Your glory rise today! Let it rise in me. I pray this in Your Name, let it be so. Yes to You!

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Glory Shine Brightly

(Today I read Jeremiah 24.)

Good morning, Father. It’s always so good to meet with You here in this place. What a great friend, what a mighty God, what a sufficient Savior You are. I come here contemplating the beauty and the sorrow of this week. Too many blessings to count, and still a week where it looks as if I’m saying good-bye to a friend for a while.

The joy of having my grandson here with us this week is overwhelming and utterly spectacular. Not enough words to thank You enough for the joy of having our daughter’s family here this week. Thanks for the great times I’ve been able to spend with my

Me and my grandson who came to visit this week.  We had a wonderful time exploring and praying together on this walk!

Me and my grandson who came to visit this week. We had a wonderful time exploring and praying together on this walk!

grandson. Thank You that despite the distance between where You’ve rooted us to serve, we have these coming-together times. And thank You for the moments where his arms go out to me, for the smiles across the dinner table, for the walks (singing, praying with him), watching his industriousness as he plays with such intensity. Being a part of his morning happiness. Even watching that little mouth twist as the screams of frustration come has been a joy! I didn’t even mind him spitting that prune baby food in my direction – can’t say I even blame him. I hope the fact that grandpa was feeding him prune-stuff isn’t a lasting memory for him! All these things, Father… they spell blessing, they bring renewal, they are good life-stuff moments that I have needed. Just wanted to thank You for each of them, and pray that we have a “sun stand still” last couple of days – let the time move SLOWLY!!! Give us good, lasting, heaven-reaching time to love, play, and be.

This week has also presented some moments of sadness, particularly in that it looks like I may have said my last, albeit temporary, good-bye to my friend Ron. If these are the days for him to see You face-to-face, please take him home peacefully and free of suffering. Blanket his family with an extraordinary sense of Your presence and peace and hope as they surround his bed. Grant him easy breaths, and a glorious transition. Of course I know You can raise him out of that bed, but I also know that being with You in glory is such gain! It seems the time is here, so make it a day of celebration among the tears. Let it be so, for my friend and his dear family.

Being faithful to where You are taking my communion with You this week, I will end the journal part of this prayer with a blessing.

(I give this blessing to you, my friend, the one who comes here to share these prayers with me even though we may otherwise be strangers – we are still brother and sister together!)

May the glory of the Father in Heaven shine brightly on You in this hour. May his smile be known to Your heart. May his desire for You translate to peace and hope in the farthest reaches of your mind. May the guidance of the Holy Spirit be plain and certain to you as You walk today. I bless You in the holy Name of Jesus.

Thank You, Father, for hearing my prayers! Thank You! Thank You! All glory and praise and honor to You for all eternity! Let it ring out, let it rise, let it rise in me. In Jesus Name, let it be so. Yes! Yes! Yes!

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Better Than A Beach

(Today I read Jeremiah 23.)

I cry out to You, oh Lord, whose majesty has not been lost through the ages. I cry together with voices that are both friend and mystery to me. I cry out in Your holy Name because You alone are worthy. One day with You is better than a thousand on a tropical beach. These moments with You are the treasure of my day. How can I honor You today? How can I serve You best? How can my life be a blessing to others today? Move me to these things, I pray. Speak to my soul, counsel me, Holy Spirit. Help me to focus on You in these early hours so that the way will be clear throughout the rest of the day.

I bless Your Name, I bless Your fame in in this community. I seek only the good that You can bring into my life and into the lives of these I serve.

I’ve dubbed this “blessing week” in anticipation of the message You’ve put on my heart for Sunday. Fortify me with grace and peace and love so that my will may be set to willing good things for others. Turn my heart to Your ways of doing things so that I may bless others with the profit and gain of this eternal, faithful love and hope that is in You, Jesus.

May Your generous, creation-wide smile shine upon all who call upon Your Name. May we, as believers in You, then be a blessing by reflecting Your smile to others who have yet to see it. May the warm glow of Your glory make itself known in me, then shine through me to all I meet.

Thank You for renewing me in my understanding of the blessings You provide, and the blessings I can speak into being in Your Name. May I be quick and ready to do so! Help me not to miss one single opportunity. Let it be so in Your Name, Jesus! Yes and yes to You!

Bless my understanding of Your Word, then may Your Spirit bring it to life in me in every way. Let even my countenance be a beacon of Your message of life.

Bless the people I serve with a renewed passion for prayer and study. Bless us with a fire that burns to serve those You’ve given us to serve. Bless our homes and all that we touch so that Your faithfulness will show. May we prosper in all that we do, keeping just what we need to survive for ourselves and building good, solid structures for life with the rest.

I’m coming back in my mind to that beach thing again. I’m thinking of how much I’ve longed for a beach vacation this summer, with the reality that I won’t be taking one long settled in. I’ve missed that You’ve blessed me with something far greater in these morning appointments with You. Our times together are even free of the inevitable stress and expense of such a luxury as a vacation. These places of worship far exceed anything else I’ve ever experienced. Best yet, unlike the vacation I’ve missed, You use these moments to do good for others as the result. Help me to be a blessing! Help me to see how blessed I am more than I have in times past. Flow into this work so that even the most difficult task will be pleasure in You.

Grant it my King. Bless this community, bless these people in Your Name. Rise us up as hearers of the Word AND doers of the Word. In You I pray, Christ Jesus. All glory and honor to You… let that wonderful, renewing, hope-filled glory of Yours rise today! Let it be so.

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A Blessing Prayer For You

I bless You in the Name of Jesus, with the authority of the Father, and the guidance of His Holy Spirit.

May the glory of his presence create fresh light and life in You today.

May you feel his smile upon you, may His eyes look upon you, may his warmth and beauty surround you and keep you.

May you be well in Him, may all things physical, emotional and spiritual be wrapped up in His goodness.

May you be refreshed and renewed by His power and strength.

Let it be so in Jesus’ Name!

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All Blessings Flow

(Today I read Jeremiah 22.)

I sing praise to You, my Father, the One from whom all blessings flow. Help my life to be a praise song to You that rings throughout the heavens… and above! Assist me to proclaim You among all that draw breath. Let it radiate through the countryside, through the hills and valleys, over the water and to the tops of the mountain peaks. Let it reverberate from building to building in these cities, even among the hustle and bustle of the morning hours let it prevail. Praise to You my Father, because You are the Reason, praise to You Jesus, You are my Example, praise to You Holy Spirit, You are my Strength. All together, One, You are my life, my breath, my standard.

Where substance and form has taken over, and purpose and passion have waned, come Holy Spirit and shake things us!

Where tradition and ritual have replaced holiness and renewal, come Holy Spirit and refresh us.

Where the opinion and whims of the long-term believers have ruled organizations and walking with You in the newness of the day has been forsaken, come Holy Spirit and remind us who You are.

Where any new idea or philosophy of the age have overruled acting in accordance to who You are, come Holy Spirit and lead us by the hand back to You.

Where hymns or choruses, books or TV screens, small country churches or big mega-ministries have lost fellowship with the Father and service of community, come Holy Spirit and shake things up.

Where we’ve made You a t-shirt slogan or social media meme, come Holy Spirit and stir up fire.

Where we’ve been satisfied with ministering to just a few, or have lusted over the status of ministering to thousands, come Holy Spirit and remind us what the people mean to You.

Where we’ve let our communities rot in darkness and have failed the least and the lowest, come Holy Spirit and break our hearts.

Where our prayers have become dull and listless and even blessings crumble dryly from our lips, come Holy Spirit with the tsunami of Your active goodness.

Awaken us today! Awaken me! All glory to You, my Father in Heaven, all glory to You, ruler of the universe. Let Your glory rise here today.

Jesus… make me a blessing to my community. Let it be so in Your Name. Yes, please, yes!

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Desperate For You

(Today I read Jeremiah 21.)

Father, I sense a great desperation rising up in me this morning. As I come to this place of prayer, I am increasingly desperate for You. It’s not a futile, hopeless despair, but a profound, sharp sense of my need for You right now. Lord, my God, I feel a dizzying sense of being overwhelmed by the things on my plate, so I pour them out to You. You are Lord Almighty, strong, able, willing, welcoming, ready and on the job. Take this churning stomach, this day, and make it matter for You. If my plans are askew, make them better. My desperation for You rises with each breath… fill me now, make me, use me, hold all things together.

You do not delay! Thank You that You are on time. In fact, I usually find You waiting. You call me to wait upon You, but as I slog my way through things, it’s almost as if you smile… as if there’s a quick laugh in your breath… that asks, “So, are you coming?!?!” You mercy is overwhelming in a good sort of way.

I turn to You, You are my hope, You are my measure. You are my source, my supply, You are enough. You are the calm when I storm, You are the word of peace when I speak the language of distress. You are a fountain of passion when I’m dry and disconnected. You are the raising of my eyes when my head hangs low. You are the buoy for my spirits when they begin to drown. You are all that’s right, the minerals and vitamins and goodness of my lifeflow. You are my Lord, and I will walk with You.

I think I will wrap up the journal part of this prayer, Father, as I have many more things to speak with You about in private. May this sense of worship be present throughout, though. Thank You that You are always on the road with the traveler, and always at the waiting for those who search You out. Blessings to You, my King! Let Your glory rise in me today, let it rise in this town, let it rise in the hearts of all who seek You. Jesus, Your Name is my power and strength and I pray these things in this wonderful Name. Let it be so.


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