Category Archives: father/son

Just Another Friday Morning Miracle

(Today I read Titus 2.)

Thank You, Father, for teaching me how to stay focused in prayer through this journal. I never thought I would be a journaler of any sort! May these words bless You and guide me.

I can’t say another thing ’til I just get this out in the open right now. Prayer, testimony, bewildered question… it’s all that. Here it is. What in Your world was that thing I saw this morning?  With my own eyes, I saw something utterly miraculous and phenomenal. I have few words for it and little explanation. You reminded me that I haven’t been enjoying Your morning art as much lately, and then brought me to the window in time to see You say hello to me in a way that I don’t think there is any scientific explanation for whatsoever. I’m not even certain how you did it an yet kept everything on its continuous, steady course. It was like the sky was completely and beautifully changed from one thing to another in the matter of a few seconds.  I can’t explain it well here… and anyone who shares this prayer with me may think I’m crazy by now. I may be! Crazy for You! I’ll take that. Regardless of how weird this all may be, I saw You revealed with my very own eyes in such a magnificent way. My heart still doesn’t know how to find its old rhythm back.

Interesting that I was just speaking, last night, to someone in need of seeing Your strong ways of working in our lives, and I reminded them of something they had been eye witness to. I reminded them of the Sunday morning when one of our older ladies had a seizure that led to death and all its signs right here in a worship service. No pulse. My wife, a former R.N., could find no life. And there in that moment Your Spirit, in complete and absolute control, lead me to lay hands on her and she sprung back to life at the calling to “be well”. Such things I have seen with my own eyes! How can my confidence and faith in You ever waiver?

Many times here in these early morning prayers I’ve experienced the flat-out freaky! And I say that in a good sort of way. How could I have forgotten how You stunningly and breathtakingly reveal Yourself to those who seek?

And so, again, I not only commune in Spirit, but with sensory stunning events as well. I declare You Lord over all my being. I know I’ve done that countless times before, but again, my spirit calls You Lord, Master, friend, Savior. How else can I respond? What am I to do with these things? I must worship! I must tell of Your wonderful ways. When the world wants the believer in Christ to keep it to themselves, they can’t even begin to comprehend the wonderful things they are missing. I sing this song of glory, and You bring the choir! I pray humble, often stumbling, words and You create a course-altering oratory. My mind struggles to even find the pieces, and You hold all things together. What a great and marvelous God You are!

I’m not so sure if this is a prayer or a reminder to me of the events of this morning, but may it all give You honor and glory. Shape me in these things, build me, fortify me, make my character like Yours. Full of grace… that’s what I want to be. Full of love, overflowing in kindness, faithful, right on time.

I must also praise and pray over the theme of recent days. You’ve been reminding me of the shear necessity of being a good worker. In fact, I must work hard. Amp up my work ethic, father. May I deal with integrity in every situation, Keep me focused, diligent, strong. Give me words, backbone, endurance, and hone my skill. By Your Spirit, make me a worker that is approved by You, and much needed among men. Help me to be the example You need for me to be. May much be accomplished not because I am such a great worker, but because it is so good to walk and work in harmony with You. What was it I read this morning? Paul told Titus (and, all of us), to show ourselves entirely trustworthy and good in our obligations to those over us. Renew my hard-work ethic… just like my daddy taught me! As He stands with You now, may I honor what he taught me by being persistent, diligent, and unafraid to get my hands dirty. It’s amazing how doing even the dirtiest of work keeps the heart pure and clean!

Enough of the prayer journal for now. I continue in prayer to seek You out in some specific ways now. I pray blessings upon anyone who comes along to pray about these things with me. May they be blessed and enriched and honored to be approved workers for You. All to Your glory, my King! All in Your Name, my Jesus. Let it be so. Let Your glory rise.

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A Feed-the-Five-Thousand Kind of Day

(Today I read John 6.)

Merciful Father, full of grace and peace, I seek to glorify You and lift Your Name.

As I pray, I find myself also preoccupied with thinking of my beautiful grandson.  My arms ache to hold him, and the distance between us seems like worlds.  Then I wonder if that’s how you feel about me at times when I keep myself distant from you – when I don’t invite you into every part of my day.  I suspect You give us these longings for each other so we can better understand Your longing for us.  By the way, thanks for Facetime!  Thank You for creating us with inventive minds to create such things as that…  what a blessing to be able to use technology in positive ways to stay in touch.  Thank You all the more for the privilege of prayer that immediately reminds me of Your closeness, Your faithfulness to me.  Thank You that while I know You are always near, prayer is just the face time I need with You!  What a refresher.

So be sure and build up my grandson today.  I pray that You will raise him to be a mighty man of God.  Assist him, fortify him, walk with him that he may walk in wellness and wisdom every day of his life.  That’s quite a thing for someone who is still a baby…  but then, he is quite special, isn’t he?!?!  Thanks, Father.

Remind me of You every moment today.  Be rich in between the lines of all I do, and in the very atomic structure of all things that I must accomplish today.  May this be a day of good things.  Even if it gets a bit rough and rocky at times, stay at the forefront of my mind that I may please You.  Be my words always.  Be my heart always.  Be my mind, my attention span, my character, my integrity… You are my all in all, be all today.

I find myself musing that just as I’ve prayed for my grandbaby today, I still have so much to grow into myself.  Much to learn.  Much to do.  Father, for every frivolous day I’ve spent, give me “feed the five-thousand” days so that I may offer what good I can to see You multiply it for the good of many.  Make me a blessing.  Inspire me to betterness (I like that word-idea!).  Let Your glory rise…  yes…  that’s what I’m praying…  let Your glory rise in me today!  For Your Name’s sake.  Let it be so.

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Not One Dirty Bag

(Today I read Matthew 25)

Overcomer, Mighty God, Restorer, Renewer, Reviver, Healer, Master, Friend…

Here I am.

I give You praise, though I can’t imagine it’s nearly enough.  I lift Your Name, though I’m not sure it’s high enough.  I worship You with all that is within me, and yet I’m sure there is more I need to surrender.  What wonderful grace You bring to fill in the measure where I fall short.  Thank You for Your faithfulness – what a wonderful way to bring me closer when I strain towards Heaven.  Thank You for the instruction of Your Word that brings me back on track when the wheels jump.

There’s something important about this day, and something incredibly imported invested in me to rise up and meet the challenge.  May I not be found lacking, but instead, have the full surge of Your Spirit giving me discernment, power, strength and ability even when I fall short.  My heart longs to be a ten-bagger…  may I never be a one-bagger.  May I invest well what You have given me so that I can bring You the dividends with great joy rather than simply presenting You with one dirty bag.  Increase me in the understanding of faithfulness that I may serve You with whole heart, whole energy, whole mind.

You have brought my grandson to my mind in prayer again.  As I lift him to You, I pray that You would be merciful enough to build a solid, wonderful relationship between that boy and me despite the distance.  My heart aches for him, I want to be there for him, I want to serve him and honor him and share a great bond of love with him.  The enemy tries to convince me that these miles will steal that away, so I pray against that now!  Enrich my journey with that boy, that precious little wonder, drawing us close in spirit, and as much presence as possible.

At times like these, my heart also aches to talk with my dad again.  Thank You for the sense of the presence of his prayers with me.  Thank You for the legacy and the great memories.  Thank You that just as he felt close to me despite the distance because I am doing what You’ve called me to do, may I gain a new sense of closeness to him because he has accomplished the goal for which I too aspire.  May the sorrow turn to gladness when I recognize the bond that an new investment in Heaven creates!

All glory and honor to You, my majestic King!  Wonder of all wonders, Lord above the nations, maker of all things, source of all truth.  You are all that I want.  Energize me for the adventure today!

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(Today I read Matthew 7.)

Good Morning, Father.  What a privilege you give me to be able to meet with you here.  Your warm fires are glowing!

Your Name is blessed; let it be blessed even more.  You are good, let Your goodness flow bringing restoration.  You are honest and reliable, speak into the hearts of Your people – we are more ready than ever.  You are fulfillment and satisfaction, call us to Your table that many will come.  You are rest and comfort, aid us in this day of battle to fight the enemy with new assurance.  You are Lord of Heaven’s Armies, lay out Your plan for the day and set us to doing it.  You are God Most High, restore our confidence in You over routine or ritual.  You are perfect in all things and righteous at all times, shine Your light that I may walk with You.  Precious Savior, what a friend.

Father, my mind has been reawakened to how the enemy is deceiving the minds of those we love.  While you have used the frustration over confused messages out there to grow me in understanding and wisdom, my heart breaks for those who don’t have the discernment of Your Spirit.  They don’t want it and have a million reasons why.  This walk with You has been so extraordinary and transformational, I long for the whole of creation to experience it.  Certainly your created universe cries out to you; what will it take for all those you’ve breathed full of life and spirit to see truth?  I struggle with this one.  In the meantime, help me to love more, to be more merciful, to carry grace, and to live with integrity and honor.  May my life reflect You and live as close to Your character as possible.  Give me voice when I need words, give me silence when the moment requires it.  Give me just what I need to go where You want and do what You ask of me.  My heart wells up with the cry, “I surrender all,” but I realize I even fall short of doing that.  To the best of my ability to do so this morning I want to be all in.  All for You.  Maximum capacity.  Take me to where I need to be that many others will come along as well.

Thank You again for my dad, and his example that I never fully understood until he stood in Your presence.  Things I thought I knew have been given new depth of wisdom and life.  My dad was no fool, he was no poor ignorant country boy who “yee-hawed” his was through life.  He was, and is, Yours and lived in testament to Your ability to do wonderful things through flawed vessels.  May I rely on You the same way.  Fill me up so that I can overflow into my world today.  Give me ample grace and mercy, and help me to love those I’m not predisposed to love.  Anchor me in Your Good News and set me sailing with the winds of Your Spirit.  May Your Name be glorified and may many come to know Your truth.  You have built me and intended me for faithfulness and I seek to honor You.

One more thing.  Deliverance.  I pray for that today.  I bring the hurt of my heart to You on one particular issue and pray for enduring peace and restoration.  I now accept Your restoration and renewal.  All for You, Jesus.  All for You.

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Facing A Difficult Day

(Today I read Galatians 2.)

Precious Father, You are on display all around me.  Your grace and mercy is like dew on morning grass!  Keep my eyes open, keep my heart attentive, encourage my mind to greater ways of thinking…  transformed ways.

Looses the hold of earth and raise my heart to everlasting things.  I cry out for You because You are the only hope I’ve found.  These temporary things bind me and bring me down.  Your stuff lifts my Spirit, encourages my heart, and shows me the beauty of faith.

Today give me strength to be an encourager, a worshipper, and friend, a son, and a companion all in Your Name, by Your strength.  May I be well regarded among men not because of who I am, but because You are shining through.  May my character and integrity be an exhibit of who You are.  Help me as I walk with you to do so with eyes wide open and brain fully engaged!

Your glory is on the rise!  Let it roll the clouds away.  As I walk a difficult pathway I pray for wisdom that can only be gained through You; wise actions that can only be triggered by Your Spirit.  May I be full of grace and hope.  I pray these things in the Mighty Name of Jesus, the One true, living God!  All glory to You, my King!

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A Prayer For My Father’s Final Days

(Monday I read Ecclesiastics 1-2 and Galatians 1.)

Today, Father, I feel it pressed on my heart to pray for my dad and step-mother.  I don’t know how many days of earth-breath dad has left before You restore him to complete wellness, but I pray that You would bring radiant joy to these days here.  Lift his heart, inspire him to better things even in dying.  May these be glorious days of prayer and worship.  Give him clarity, patience, endurance, freedom from anything that would bind him, love, joy, mercy, grace – all good things.  May he overflow with Your patience even in these hours.  May it be so in Your Heavenly Name – the Name that brings glory to any nation that receives it.

Be with Sharon today and each day as his constant care-giver.  May the sorrow, sadness and frustration turn to joy and worship.  Buoy her spirit with the constant, abiding assurance of Your presence.  I know the heartache and hardships of the caregiver’s role first hand.  May I use this wisdom as inspiration and encouragement for her and others.

As I contemplate all the difficulties involved in this part of a journey, I find my words begin to slip away.  All I know is You.  And so I cry out to You, “mercy”.

Guide me as well.  You have placed me at a distance from dad and have given me great work to do.  Give me Nehemiah’s persistence and ethic.

All glory to You, Father!  In Your righteousness You see fit to care for someone such as me. What hope You bring!

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Spirit, Easy To Know

(Today I read 1 Corinthians 13-14.)

Holy Spirit, inhabit this place of prayer!

I seek to show You hospitality.  I welcome You.  I greet You.  I embrace You.

I recognize that You are not myth, or a whisper of air blowing against the back of my neck.  You are not synapses of my brain firing or the result of some mathematical equation.  You are not conjured or delighted by incantations.  In You there is freedom.

There is no other expectation than the expectation of love and openness.  You do not hide, tease or provoke.  You are knowable, You are intellect, soul and body.   You satisfy my reason.  You are not simply candy in a dish or a badge of honor.  You are breath, counsel, light, life.

Even the fiercest skeptic can breathe one simple breath and suddenly know You!  You do not struggle against us, but with us.  Thank You for Your favor, Your persistence, Your faithfulness.

In You I pray holy prayers.  I lift, in agreement with You, these things:

(many great things shared with the Father!)

Not to be selfish or self-focused, but I pray You would increase me in Your kind of love and respect for myself.  Help me to know this strength Your Spirit has brought to me.  Teach me to rise up to the challenges with renewed confidence and vigor.  May Your character and integrity be mine as well!!!!  Yes!  To be a man after Your own heart – I want to be part of that collective.  Flood me with enduring wisdom, but above all, LOVE!  Renew me, counsel me, make me wholly Yours, I pray.  All for You, Jesus, all for You!

Let Your glory rise!

I recognize You!  You’re Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.  You are!

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How Can I Not Live To The Fullest?

(Today I read 1 Corinthians 10.  The first half of today’s prayer time turned out to be such a titanic struggle for me that I’ve decided to only share the last half of my entry for the day.  It’s not that I mind you see me struggling…  I’ve always shared that openly.  It’s just that I’m not sure my journal covers any new ground from the past.  But then I found myself worshiping, getting my focus off of the accuser, and this became my heartsong…)

Father, I worship You because You are faithful.  I adore the beauty that comes to full bloom at just the mention of Your Name.  Just speaking “Jesus” into the trouble is like walking from a room full of winter into the great wide open at springtime.

Your Name thrills my soul!  Your creative genius amazes me daily.  Your fresh mercies flow like honey and bring such joy.  Your peace breaks the storm.  Your gentleness is just right for my raging inner turmoil.

You handle my questions with grace and my failures with patience.  Your refocus me when I am distracted.

You help me to sleep at night give me energy for the day.  You stretch my resources so that I never want or have need.

You give me hope even in the face of death.  You remind me that death has no sting or victory.  You have enriched me profoundly through the lives of people like my dad, my Uncle Jack, Billy Gilbert, Aaron Cain, Mel Nead, and the list could go on and on.

I see how much effort has been put into me.  What a blessing!

How can I not live to the fullest?  How could I ever be satisfied with less than all You are?  I will finish this race with victory, and go all the way to the prize.  I will run full speed ahead with Your running shoes making my feet sure and steady, Your Spirit wind driving me on and cooling my brow, Your path giving me firm send-off for each stride, Your Name emblazoned on me and flying overhead as my banner.

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Prayers for the Struggling Parent and Child

(Today I read Jeremiah 28-30.  Heavy on my heart and on my mind was my daughter and her new baby boy.  These last days have been an emotional struggle of fussiness and tears.  The great distance between us is a heartbreaker for sure, but the prayers seem to create a bridge.  Since I have never backed down from sharing personal prayers, I share today’s prayer journal entry in hopes that it will be a help to other new parents as well.  If there is a specific prayer need you would like me to lift for you, by all means leave a comment and let me know.  I can keep comments private, along with the prayer, if you so desire.)

Father, give my daughter strength.  Wisdom.  Great insight.  Patient endurance.  In these days of tension and turmoil, give her peace that goes far beyond her ability to fathom.  Increase her understanding of You and Your ways.  May she be so remarkably moved by Your ways that she becomes a fountain where many will find the refreshment they need.  Make her home a safe-haven of healing and wellness.  May all that enter her doors find the healing they need – spiritually, physically, emotionally.  May she be virtuous in every way and experience the fresh mercy, even now, of Your righteousness and wellness.  May it be so.

Even as you continue to knit together the mind and body of my precious grandson, I pray that wellness and peace of mind would settle deep into his bones.  May he, even at this early stage, radiate with Your grace and mercy.  May his fragile body be well.  May his awakening mind be at peace.  Give him a synergy with his mom and dad that will help them to know his needs well.  May Your peace and comfort saturate and keep him through these days.  Remove the fussiness and replace it with joy.  As You raise him to be a godly leader of men, remember the prayers I’ve prayed and keep him strong in them.  In Your Name, my Jesus, our Righteousness.

I pray now for any parent struggling with child issues – especially  those struggling with infants.  Bless with Your peace and comfort and wisdom and patient endurance even now.  And just as You loved us so much You sacrificed all (Heaven, bodily comfort, You stepped into our heartaches), may these parents take on Your faithfulness and loving nature.  Form them for greater things through their trials and learning phases.

Patient endurance!  That prayer is for all who read this journal, for those who are on my mind now, and for me.  Bless Your Name, my Lord and Savior and friend.

I bless You, Jesus – I worship Your Holy Name.

(I spent the next phase of prayer mentioning specific names.  For each, I prayed for the following:)

  • patient endurance
  • wisdom
  • wellness
  • clarity of mind
  • well-being of the heart
  • mercy, grace, peace
  • unity and peace with all
  • power, hope
  • Spirit guidance
  • virtue, goodness

(Finally, I was lead to pray a specific prayer for any reader who might happen across my prayer journal.  I’ve decided to include that as a separate entry, and it will appear next.)

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Days of Glory and Wonder

(Today I read Jeremiah 15 and Romans 7.)

Father, I am grateful today for the simple gift of the complex – particularly thinking about the gifts of life.  How awesome and unspeakably wonderful it is to hold the warm, sleeping body of a baby on my chest and to contemplate the facial expressions of a human less than two weeks old.  It’s even more thrilling when that baby is connected to me; in this case, my first grandson.  Lord, I see so much of your creative work at play.  They say his smiles are gas (I never really understood that one), but I choose to believe they are real expressions of joy and pure happiness.  Thank You, my Lord, my friend, for days like these.  Thank You for allowing me to be participant in these beautiful life moments.  Thank You for Coen.  I truly love that boy!

Lord, I celebrate Your majesty in these gifts, these moments, these awesome things.  You are great and worthy to be praised.  I recognize that through processes perfectly explainable  by scientific reasoning You produce miraculous events that forever change the souls of men and women in ways unexplainable by any equation.  You rule over all things, and I take these great days with Coen to reaffirm my love and admiration and adoration of You.  You are a spectacular God!

I continue in the prayer for protection over this little one.  May all of his days be given in glory to You.  May he grow to be a mighty man of God and a leader of men.

Take my days, Lord, and let them be wholly consecrated to You.  Let Your glory rise in me again as you continue to teach me what it means to surrender and allow You to be Lord over more and more of me.  Teach me more.

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