Things That Create Aromas

(Today I read Ecclesiastics 4 and Matthew 3.  Missed a day due to a scrappy battle with a cold.  I won.  I’m back.)

Savior, thank You for Your Word.  Thank You for all the things that remind me of You.

Thank You for alleviating the struggles of this head cold.  You are merciful and mighty, worthy of honor and praise.  Now, as I still am fighting to overcome this “foggy-headedness”(!), help me to regain my focus.  Aid me so that I may speak to You coherently, listen attentively, and worship with complete abandon.  May this morning prayer time be an aroma pleasing to You.

Lord, how many times have I sat in the dump and then proceeded to wonder why You gave me so much garbage?!?!  How many times have I focused on the ground and wondered why I couldn’t see the sky?  How many times have I let my MP3 player batteries go dead and then wondered why there was no music?  Perhaps these things are the fault of somebody else?  The tsunami effect from earth-shakingly bad teaching? Did my up-bringing pound me down?  Are my clothes made of all the words ever said about me?  Am I defined by the gracelessness of others?  Am I dependent and without  means, fragile without hope, unsteady without the ability to to achieve balance?

I am Yours.  You are mine.  Help me to live in that more.  Thank You that You don’t give me a standard to live up to, then standing back and barking orders.  Instead, You mercifully give me glory I don’t deserve and You daily lift me to it.  You are just what I need!

May Your love be abundant in me today.  May Your grace and mercy be made complete in me.  May I reflect Your glory.  May I not walk in pretense but in the truth and light of who You are.  May You alone be my quantifier and qualifier.  I rest in You.  I rise up in You.  Thank You for helping me to be gentle, kind, loving, full of grace, and rock steady in Your Word today.  It’s only by Your grace!

What peace You give.

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One thought on “Things That Create Aromas

  1. pmmcintyre says:

    I will be coming back to this prayer journal entry multiple times… It said so much that I myself have been praying for and about… with such passion and truth. God Bless you and thank you.

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